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  • Arkib Berita
  • 2014
  • LSE surpasses 13mil man-hours without lost time injury
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  • Arkib Berita
  • 2014
  • LSE surpasses 13mil man-hours without lost time injury

LSE surpasses 13mil man-hours without lost time injury

New StraitsTimes Online, 18 June 2014

KUALA LUMPUR: Labuan Shipyard and Engineering Sdn Bhd (LSE) has achieved a major safety milestone in the shipyard engineering construction industry by achieving more than 13 million man-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) since 2009.

The company constantly conducts safety training which is mandatory for all at its yards to inculcate the importance of a safe workplace environment for its employees.

“Safety is our number one priority and it is ingrained into our work culture. It is our overall safety mission to reduce total recordable case frequency (TRCF) by 10 per cent every year,” said Chief Operating Officer Azizul Hanafee Mohd Zain in a statement here today.

LSE also expects to be certified to ISO 14001:2004: Environmental Management System before the year-end, he added. – Bernama

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