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  • Arkib Berita
  • 2014
  • O&G Roadshow open to trade visitors
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  • Arkib Berita
  • 2014
  • O&G Roadshow open to trade visitors

O&G Roadshow open to trade visitors

Borneo Post Online, 6 March 2014

BINTULU: The two-day Oil & Gas Roadshow Malaysia 2014 at the Bintulu Civic Centre which ends today is open to trade visitors.

Target visitors are those from industries such as oil and gas; petrochemicals; chemical processing; power and energy and marine; offshore and shipbuilding; polycrystalline plant; metal smelting; palm oil mill and refineries; fertiliser plants; industrial automation; woodworking; power plant; mining and other general manufacturing.

Various programmes have been outlined for the event such as seminars, technological demonstrations as well as networking sessions.

Today’s seminar will cover two areas — weighing systems and solutions for industries, and environmental, safety and health for industries.

Among the areas covered during the seminar yesterday was occupational safety and health for oil and gas — 3M respiratory protection by 3M Malaysia Sdn Bhd senior technical service engineer Sherlyn Voon.

The second session was on instrumentation and process control — practical tools for handling calibration task in process plants by NVTTS operations manager Nagendran.

This was followed by other topics namely weighing systems and solutions for process plants; project management — project commissioning, transforming risks into success factors by Progesys International chief executive officer Riad Faour; as well as prism, strategic project cost control by Carey Jack from Progesys International.

The event is timely as Bintulu is emerging to be one of the most influential heavy industrial centres in Sarawak.

Robust growth is anticipated in future due to the Bintulu’s position as the main urban focus for the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE), which is primarily at Samalaju Industrial Park.

Bintulu has a number of industries and a significant portion takes place in Tanjung Kidurong Industrial Area including Malaysia Liquefied Natural Gas (MLNG) plants, Asean Bintulu Fertiliser (ABF) plant, Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis plant and several other industries.

Furthermore the drastic growth of palm oil industries in Sarawak has resulted in the opening of several new palm oil mills all over Bintulu.

Cetak Emel