OSH issues important elements to boost productivity, Niosh chairman tells industries

Borneo Post Online, 18 Oktober 2012

KOTA KINABALU: Industries should treat occupational safety and health (OSH) issues as important elements to increase their operations’ productivity, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Niosh) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, said yesterday.

He said the OSH could assist companies improve work environment and strengthen the workforce morale which would lead to increased profitability.

“We need to promote to all industries that safety is good business because it involves the company’s image.

“Most companies talk too much about branding to increase public image, but without addressing the occupational safety and health issues, people will not be impressed if the companies have experiences in workplace accidents,” he told reporters after launching an OSH awareness seminar for staff of Kim Teck Cheong Group of Companies here.

The seminar was co-launched by Lee and Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai.

Lee also expressed concern over commuting accidents which have increased by 40 per cent over the past six years.

In 2006, a total of 17,704 cases were reported nationwide and the figure jumped to 24,809 last year, he said.

“How many skilled labour can we afford to lose if this problem is not addressed?. It’s a big loss of quality manpower to the country,” said.

Lee suggested that a programme must be conducted by all companies on safe driving skills awareness which should also include elements on managing road safety. — Bernama

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