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      National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) Background


      National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) under the Ministry of Human Resources is a supreme body responsible for determining the direction and policy of the State in relation to occupational safety and health in Malaysia. It was established in 1995 in accordance with Section 8 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1994 (Act 514).

      The main objective of NCOSH establishment is a continuous effort by the government to ensure the safety, health and welfare of employees in the workplace is secure. Accordingly, NCOSH has became more mature and always striving to improve the level of occupational health and safety in making a safe and healthy work practices part of the Malaysian culture. This effort is based on a tripartite process towards a culture practice.

      NCOSH consists of fifteen members and a secretary. Deputy Minister of Human Resources has been appointed as Chairman NCOSH, while the secretariat composed of Senior Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). The Council is composed of representatives of the government (5), employers (3 people) and workers (3 people), professional bodies and voluntary (4 people including a woman) and observers (6 people).


      Become a major driving force leading the State body through a tripartite process, forming a safe and healthy work culture and thereby improving the quality of life.


      To raise awareness of Malaysians on Occupational Safety and Health and create healthy and safe work culture among employers, employees and all parties. In addition, it is also to ensure network system security management and health fair and implementation of a comprehensive safety protection.


      NCOSH may, and when requested by the Minister to do so shall, carry out investigations and make reports and recommendations to him with regard to any matter relating to the objects of this Act and, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, with regard to:-
      1. changes it considers desirable to occupational safety and health legislation;
      2. the improvement of the administration and enforcement of occupational safety and health legislation;
      3. the fostering of a co-operative consultative relationship between management and labour on the safety, health and welfare of persons at work;
      4. the special problems with respect to occupational safety, health and welfare of women, handicapped persons and other groups in the community;
      5. the establishment of adequate methods of control of industrial chemicals at a place of work;
      6. the statistical analysis of occupationally related deaths and injuries;
      7. the provision of health care facilities at a place of work;
      8. the fostering of the development and adoption by law of industry codes of practice related to occupational safety, health and welfare; and
      9. the development of rehabilitation plans and facilities to assist persons injured at a place of work.


      NCOSH establishment is in line with the legal principle that is one of the main principles underlying the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994. To meet the requirements of the Act, the Minister of Human Resources has established a council to appoint a number of members and a secretary.

      NCOSH establishment is in line with the legal principle that is one of the main principles underlying the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994. To meet the requirements of the Act, the Minister of Human Resources has established a council to appoint a number of members and a secretary.
      1. three (3) persons shall be from organizations representing employers;
      2. three (3) persons shall be from organizations representing employees;
      3. three (3) or more persons shall be from Ministries or Departments whose responsibility is related to occupational safety and health; and
      4. three (3) or more persons, of whom at least one shall be a woman, shall be from organizations or professional bodies the activities of whose members are related to occupational safety and health and who, in the opinion of the Minister, are able to contribute to the work of the Council.
      The members of the Council shall hold office for a term of three years or for such shorter period as may be specified by the Minister and shall be eligible for reappointment for a maximum of two terms.


      logo ncosh
      The Corporate Identity for NCOSH is depicted based on an easily recognised application of Three (3) figures joining hands symbolizes the concept Tripartite between employers and employees together government working together and being open in any negotiations concerning Occupational Safety and Health   logo ncoshnew
      The circle wording representing the objective as a supreme body that responsible for determining the direction and policy of the state in relation to occupational safety and health in Malaysia.   logo ncosh02
      Using the short form of NCOSH for easy pronounce. The typeface is bold, to depict the NCOSH inherent strength, confidence and credibility.   logo ncosh03
      Blue, red and yellow colour representing the safety and health familiar colour coding. These 3 colour also express the continous effort in promoting the awareness of healthy and safe work culture among employers, employees and all parties.   logo ncosh04

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