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      Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

      • Introduction
        Approval of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is one of the needs and requirements of the Factories and Machinery Act 1967, Occupational Health and Safety Act 1994 and Regulations there under. These legislations can be referred Legislation on PPE.
        The Regulations prescribe 7 types of PPE that require the approval from the Chief Inspector of Factories and Machinery and the Director General of Department of Occupational Safety and Health which includes
        1. head protection
        2. foot protection
        3. hearing protection
        4. eye protection (chemical hazard)
        5. hands protection (chemical hazard)
        6. body protection (safety harness, life lines and all devices for the attachment of life lines)
        7. body protection (chemical hazard)
        8. respiratory protection(chemical hazard)

        It is applicable for all PPE products using in the workplaces, including both imported and locally made PPE products. To obtain approval, all PPE must have a full type test report and product certification license from Independent Inspecting/ Certification Body appointed by DOSH which is SIRIM Qas International Sdn Bhd.

      • How to Apply
        All applications shall be submitted online through :- > log Masuk ke MySKUD >  Pendaftaran Dan Pembaharuan Kelengkapan Pelindung Diri (KPD)
      •  List of required documents
        1. Full type test report from Independent Inspecting/Certification Body appointed by DOSH
        2. Product certification license from Independent Inspecting/Certification Body appointed by DOSH.
        3. Appointment letter as an authorized distributor/supplier from the manufacturer
      • Enquiry
        Industry & Ergonomics Hygiene Division,
        Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
        Level 4, Block D4, Complex D,
        Federal Government Administrative Centre,
        62530 WP Putrajaya.
        Tel: 03 - 8886 5000/8886 5334

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