Shell serious in targeting Goal Zero — Ian Lo
The Borneo Post Online, 19 Jun 2014

Lee (second right), accompanied by Azman (right), checking out Shell’s 12 Life-Saving Rules, at Menara Shell in Kuala Lumpur during the Shell Safety Day on Tuesday.
MIRI: Shell Malaysia will continue to improve its Life-Saving Rules and management of safety risks as these measures had helped reduce incidences of fatalities significantly.
“Since the introduction of the Life-Saving Rules, the number of fatalities across Shell has dropped to a quarter of what it was in 2009,” said Ian Lo, Shell Malaysia chairman, during Shell Safety Day on Tuesday.
Lo celebrated the auspicious day here and one of the highlights was a video conferencing call to Shell Malaysia Trading managing director Azman Ismail, who was hosting guest-of-honour cum National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye
at Menara Shell in Kuala Lumpur.
“When each of us truly commits to these rules, we will move from a culture of compliance towards a culture of care and commitment, a culture where you are the ambassador of safety for your colleagues and friends,” said Lo in a press statement issued yesterday.
Shell Safety Day is an annual ritual of the corporate giant to strengthen its ongoing efforts to promote a strong safety culture. Also present were representatives from government agencies, contractors and partners.
“Today is an opportunity for Shell staff and our contractors to reaffirm our commitment to safety,” added Lo.
“It is an opportunity to connect with each other, gain deeper insights, and remind ourselves that together we can achieve Goal Zero.”
Goal Zero captures the belief that Shell and its people can operate without fatalities or significant incidents despite the often difficult conditions in which the company operates. It is a clear statement of the company in building a strong culture where everyone goes home safe and is personally responsible to make sure no one gets hurt on the job.
Azman pledged that Shell Malaysia would continue to drive home the importance of safety internally and externally, develop programmes and initiatives to support their employees, partners, contactors, youths and community in their safety journey.
Shell would continue to develop best safety practices via various programmes, including the Shell Malaysia Safety Award, Shell Malaysia & Safety Partners’ Organisation CEO HSSE Forum, the Prestige workshops in Sabah and Sarawak, Festive Road Safety Campaigns and Shell Traffic Games.
Meanwhile, Lee commended Shell for commemorating its commitment to safety by running such an event on an annual basis since 2007 at all Shell locations globally.
“I applaud Shell Malaysia’s leadership in instituting safe behaviours and a responsible attitude towards safety in your suppliers and contractors across your business value chain. This will take commitment in leadership, patience and resources.”
Shell Malaysia employees in the country converged at town halls and other premises such as Menara Shell in Kuala Lumpur, Shell Business Service Centre (SBSC) in Cyberjaya, Shell Refining Company in Port Dickson, Sarawak Shell in Miri, Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis (SMDS) in Bintulu and Sabah Shell in Kota Kinabalu to celebrate Shell Safety Day.