Book on safety launched
New Straits Times Online, 1 Sept 2013
'MY JOURNEY WITH OSH': Lam Thye writes on a subject close to his heart
NIOSH chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye has come up with a book titled "My Journey with OSH" to promote the importance of occupational safety and health (OSH) and its practices to Malaysians, particularly the workforce.
The book is a collection of his speeches, statements and activities on OSH promotion over the years both as NIOSH chairman and Member of the Road Safety Council.
Lee's involvement with safety and health issues for the workforce started when he was a serving member of parliament in the 1970s.
He continued to articulate those issues after his retirement from politics.
Lee said health and safety at the workplace was a subject close to his heart. "I have been championing the OSH cause over the years."
He said his primary task was to create greater awareness among the workforce about the importance of safety and health at work.
"As chairman of NIOSH, I wish to provide leadership and guidance to the institute and ensure that it is able to work towards achieving its aims and objectives of becoming a centre of excellence in OSH."
In his book, Lee writes extensively about the need to make OSH not only a priority but also a culture and called on all Malaysians to embrace the culture.